Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What's Really Been Cooking Lately...

The real reason I haven't been blogging as much, aside from the fact that my life has been pretty mundane, is that I have been busy working. Yep, no job, but I HAVE been working. I have been makin' lots of jewelry. I have done pretty well in the past month since starting a business Facebook page. Next on the "to do" list is to start selling on Etsy and FINALLY decide on a business name. I still draw a blank, even now. Anyhow, I really wanted to share the newest "branch" of my business and the one I am most excited about. I am now making and selling custom rhythm beads. Or for those of you who don't want the jingle, but still want the bling...horse jewelry. I will even do matching necklaces, bracelets, and/or earrings for the rider. I have never really cared for the rhythm beads you typically see on the market. You know, the ones made with the plastic pony beads and big ol' jingle bells. They just aren't my cup of tea. So, I thought, why can't I make really nice ones...ones I would almost want to steal from my horse and wear for myself? Well, that's what I am doing and I am having a blast. I love getting a photo from someone wanting beads for their horsey friend...a photo of a girl and her beloved horse...and creating something totally unique that is completely definitive of the horse-lover's personal style and taste. It warms my heart, actually. And what a personal, from-the-heart gift it is! So, if you are looking for the perfect gift for your horse-loving friend, consider these. It would be my personal pleasure to create something for that special friend. Or just get some for yourself!

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Monday, December 20, 2010

THE Futurity

Sorry I have been absent from the blog for a while. I have been going all over the place doing all sorts of things...lots of which I don't care to blog about right now. However, there is one exception to my non-blog topic list. I managed to convince the hubby to let me go to Fort Worth with some of my girlfriends to watch the Open Finals of the 2010 NCHA Futurity! Boy, did we ever have a blast! Shopping, good food, good company, good horses...what more could a girl ask for? If you haven't been to the futurity before, I highly recommend it. The finals were so exciting and lucky us, we got to see the record-breaking run of 230 by Lloyd Cox aboard the adorable One Time Royalty, which, of course, won the open division of the futurity. It was breathtaking poetry in motion, mixed with a shot of adrenaline. :) And now, a few snapshots from our big city cuttin' horse adventure...

ONE TIME ROYALTY on his 230 point record run

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Here, There, and Everywhere

Lately, I have been trying to spend as much time with Bailey as I can, though I haven't managed to be very successful at that goal. First, we hit a little speed bump....she started displaying some serious attitude. It was so bad that I couldn't even saddle her to ride! She would pin her ears, try to bite, squeal, act cinchy, and so on. No matter what I did, it wasn't getting any better. So, I had that friend of mine help me. We got everything fixed right up. She gave me some great advice and confirmed my suspicions that Bailey's antics were, in fact, just that...antics. She was bored and started making her own fun, instead of waiting for me to do more advanced things with her. She is that smart. You only have to show her once, and then, she's got it and its time to move on. I don't need to be afraid she's too young or not ready to do some more advanced things. Now, I can saddle her while she's tied without her giving me any sass and then check her out on the ground and hop on. Ah, she's a dream.

Our second hurdle was that after being with my friend for a week, we headed to the Hill Country for a week. Well, shortly after she arrived, she and 2 of her half-sisters all shared a cold. I had planned on riding her quite a bit to keep our momentum going from the week before but thought it better to let her rest up. So, I left her behind for week two while I returned "home" to the parents' place. While I was away, she and the other girls got over the cold without any further problems. She also lucked out and got a fabulous trim from my friend's farrier while we were there. I was so impressed with his patience with the horses and his knowledge and ability. He uses an electric grinder, of sorts, and it is amazingly precise and quick in his guided hands. A fraction of the time of a regular trim and Bailey's feet have never looked better!!

I headed back to Kerrville to pick Bailey up after another week and to do a one day Parelli workshop and play day nearby. On Saturday we headed over to Camp Lonehollow in Vanderpool. This place was unbelievable! The facilities are, to put it modestly, incredible and over-the-top. Every detail was planned to perfection and it is set back in a private valley surrounded by cedar and oak covered hills dotted with several small lakes. The buildings all blend in with the natural scenery...it is gorgeous. The weather was perfect, cool and sunny. Bailey was awesome! We went to two workshops in the a.m. I chose to work on Liberty first. We hadn't done much of that other than work on our "draw". She has no problem sticking to me. So, we advanced what we knew and played all the games. It was a blast. Before lunch we all did a short freestyle riding lesson. So fun! After lunch we did a freestyle timed tournament. I was impressed at how well Bailey did. She did everything I asked of her with much try and she even cantered when I asked, picked her correct lead (the second time around), and did it all without much attitude. I was thrilled! So funny how those little things can sometimes mean the most. We continued the afternoon working on some patterns for developing impulsion. It was a much needed fun and informative day led by great instructors. I had a great time riding with several of my girl friends and I met some new ladies as well. Can't wait to go back!

Below are some photos from our day at Lonehollow. That's not all we have been up to lately, so more to come soon.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update On Ranger

I am still wandering across Texas, so I have been neglecting the blogging world a bit. I thought a belated update on Ranger was a little overdue...Our WA vet went out to see Ranger last week and gave me some good news. Ranger is still doing very well, in fact, our vet suggested we skip x-rays this time around and just re-shoe as we had been doing. Ranger will still be needing front shoes and the same type of gel pads for a while, but at least we aren't moving backward anymore. The farrier agreed that things were going very well and that he didn't see why, if I was home, I couldn't start riding Ranger again in the near future. I am so relieved to know my handsome boy is doing so much better. Now, if we can be better prepared for next Spring and prevent this whole ordeal from happening again, we will be doing great!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

"They call me the wanderer..."

That old song definitely defines my life of late. We just got word we won't be returning home to WA until late spring or summer. I have been galavanting all over the place and next week I am off again to visit my old stomping grounds in the Hill Country. Which, I might add, I have been sooooo looking forward to doing for a while now. So, I have returned to TX for a while. Good thing. Life's been quite eventful here in the south. The morning after I arrived, I went out to feed the horses, having kept Bailey up to avoid her fighting with my youngest gelding, Blackjack, and having their meet and greet turn into what usually becomes a trip to the vet for one of them. Last time they were both together he kept trying to breed her. She was sore in her back and bitten all over. I have since kept them separated when I return to TX. Well, this time the separation proved to be in vain. Blackjack came up for his morning feed with a 10 inch horizontal gash across the lower part of his left shoulder. We have no idea how he did it or what he came across because it is at such an odd angle and height. It took 20 stitches and an overnight trip to the vet. Not because he wasn't ready to come home the same day, but because he wouldn't get in the trailer that night. If you know me at all, you know one of my pet peeves is a horse that won't trailer load. ALL my horses willingly get into ANY trailer and travel well over long distances, if necessary. Well, Blackjack hasn't gone anywhere in over a year and I can't really blame him for not wanting to get back in the trailer after what I am sure was an unpleasant visit with the vet. So, we went back the next day and he loaded up without too much fuss. We will be working on that issue once he is all healed up.

After picking up Blackjack, we headed south to a friend's house. Well, really they are a family of friends, 7 to be exact. The eldest daughter is quite the horse-woman having her own lesson and training business, which is helping pay for her college. Really, she is humble when it comes to her abilities with horses, but I think she is amazing. So do a lot of other people. She has performed at the Parelli tour stops on more than one occasion, if that tells you anything. Bailey is now staying with her for a few days and then we are going back to get some lesson time. Bailey and I have been having "issues". I know it is all me, just not being savvy enough for her. It is challenging for me to have a more confident, intelligent, athletic horse who is very playful. She gets bored easily and I am not provocative enough for her in many instances. I am used to my other gelding who used to be much more fractious, unconfident, and less playful. He needed comfort and consistency. Which I am now well-versed in providing. Bailey needs play, variety, and incentive. Its not that I don't know what to do...the knowledge is definitely there. But I sometimes have trouble accessing it and keeping my emotions out of it. As my friend put it, Bailey is a bit of a princess. At least I know now and can admit it, and hopefully we can get over this hump pretty quickly and move on to the next. :) I'll let you know how things go next week!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I took a little sight-seeing day trip to Lincoln, NM yesterday with my parents. We went to check out the museums and all the Billy "The Kid" memorabilia. Little did I know I was in store for a surprise encounter with someone I admire far more than I could care about Billy Bonney. We started up the sidewalk of the old "Dolan House" in town to grab a little lunch at the historic home-turned-quaint cafe. As I approached the front porch, I noticed a cowboy sitting in a rocking chair. He greeted us with a friendly, "Hi, How are you folks?" And when I looked over and realized who I was talking to when I replied, "Great, How are you?"...I could hardly believe my eyes. It was 2010 Road to the Horse Champion, Craig Cameron!! I politely asked him if I could have my mom take our photo together, while trying not to make a big deal about it all. He was so nice and even stopped to visit with us again after we all had our lunch. There aren't too many other clinicians/world re-knowned horsemen that I think would take the time to genuinely visit with you and not think you are just another crazy horse person/fan. And he has a great smile! Kudos to Craig!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

My Sentiments Exactly...

The barn manager at Bailey's barn has this on her truck. Words to live by...

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Our Little Horse Lover

I am blessed to be called aunt by three of the most precious, adorable, sweet kids ever. The two oldest (niece, T, age 7 and nephew, M, age 3) happen to like horses. Well, T likes horses alright, but M loves them. We talk on the phone a few times a week and our conversations are always about horses and all things cowboy. I must confess, that I have encouraged his horse infatuation a little, but I also think the horse obsession is genetic. My dad was horseback a lot is his younger years and even at work during his 30's after I was around. My mom also had horses when she was growing up. Try as they might, they couldn't keep the "horse gene" from surfacing later in my life even though I was never allowed to have a horse as a child. I was, admittedly, too busy with other activities to have a horse. So, now they are being paid back 10 fold by their oldest grandson and his horse-aholic ways.

M is convinced that all my horses are actually his horses. He was so excited to see me arrive in Texas with the horses in tow. He loves my truck and trailer too...I mean, his trailer.Wherever the horses and I go, he thinks he should go as well. He loves to ride, though we don't let him do it a lot or for more than a minute or two because, in my opinion, he is still too young. We always make him wear his helmet, with the exception of the occasional photo op and he is never, ever allowed around the horses by himself. Safety first, always.

How do I know he was born with the "horse gene"? From the time M was about 18 months old, you could NOT get him to sit in front of the TV and watch cartoons for even 5 minutes, but put an old western on and he would be mesmerized. No one made a big deal about westerns, horses, or cowboys; he just loved that stuff of his own accord. He loves "cowboy shows" to this very day. Only now, he has to watch them while dressed in full cowboy garb. You won't catch him watching a western television show or movie without his cowboy boots, cowboy hat, and belt with holstered toy six shooter. He also has to have rope in hand and be sitting (straddled on the arm of the sofa) in his very own western saddle complete with leather reins. He gets so into it, when the cowboys in the movie start yeehaw-ing or a bugler plays the sound to charge...M yeehaws at the top of his lungs. It is hilarious. We finally managed to find time to go for a real ride a couple of weeks ago. He donned his cowboy hat for a few minutes to snap a couple of photos at the end of our ride. Maybe you can see why I adore this dimpled cowboy cutie so much...

Meeting our mount.

Serious cowboy business going on...

So excited!!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gimme Your Two Cents

The past couple of days Bailey just hasn't quite been herself. Nothing major, but just not 100% her usual self. To be quite honest, I think she is sore. In her back for sure, but maybe elsewhere too. It just so happens that I met the nicest lady at the barn yesterday who is a certified equine sports massage therapist. I am thinking about having her take a look at Bailey. I have never ventured into the world of "alternative or holistic horse health care"...if that is what you even call it. Personally, I have gotten a lot of help from good massage therapists for my own shoulder and neck problems in the past and I can't imagine it wouldn't do the same for a horse. Anyone out there have any thoughts on this idea? Any advice? I am not convinced I should go ahead just yet and I would love to hear how massage has or has not worked for your horses. Feel free to put that two cents in!

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Monday, September 20, 2010

An Unexpected Answer

Bailey was still slightly swollen in her hind fetlocks this morning, so I called the vet out. I just couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what could be causing the swelling. She is turned out most of the day and she has a large run outside her stall, so I didn't think she would be stocking up (though, thanks to Lindsay for the suggestion). I really thought she had to have strained herself while kicking her heels up during turnout. Well, I was wrong. The vet and I talked about her daily routine, exercise and riding regimen, and her diet. Immediately after our discussion and his examination of her, the vet told me he was fairly certain her body was trying to develop epiphysitis. What?!? What's that?!?, I thought to myself. I have seen lots of funky stuff in horses, but epiphy...what? Then he explained. Bailey was on a higher calorie diet since being in Texas due to her body condition loss from the cross-country trip and because I have been working her every day. Sometimes the combination of higher calorie diet, and often genetics and hormonal desynchronization, can cause one of the conditions lumped under "Developmental Orthopedic Disease" or DOD. Epiphysitis is one of these diseases. To make it simple....her body is trying to develop and grow too quickly, which can be irritated or even brought on by higher caloric intake. More specifically, her body's cartilage-to-bone conversion is abnormal or happening too fast. Luckily, we believe we caught it very early and she should recover in a few days. We have taken her off all grain and put her on a better grass hay. We will also be turning her out even more and in a different pasture. So, hopefully this is the answer to our problem and she will be back to normal in no time. I definitely learned something new today and I am glad it was nothing too major, just yet. The vet also told me I can keep riding her, that exercise is important at this point. So, more good news there. All I can say is, "Whew"! Heading back to the barn to check up on her. Catch y'all later!

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After a Good Day Its Always Something

Had a great day with Bailey on Thursday. It has been a bit challenging to ride or do any ground work since we started temporarily boarding. She has been so distracted by her surroundings, her new horse friends, being in heat again, and just being a young 3 year old. I have been good at keeping all that in mind and not overdoing our sessions or pushing her too hard. She is still a youngster, after all. But Thursday...Thursday was fabulous.

She was very relaxed and focused. I didn't make her do a whole lot, but what we did do was quality stuff. We worked on following the rail without having to use the reins too much and then stopping in corners we were previously avoiding. I did everything in a patterned fashion and when I do this, Bailey catches on quickly. Our pattern was: trot down the rail using leg pressure, when needed, so as not to drift to the arena center; stop in the corner using my seat first; back using seat, legs, hands (in that order); relax; and then trot to next corner maintaining gait, position next to rail, and direction toward next corner. After doing this pattern about three times, I could feel her "get it". As we trotted on to our next corner, down the long side of the arena, she gradually sped up and I let her, not wanting to pull on the reins---trusting her a little. She softly broke into the nicest, smoothest, un-rattled canter. It was such a pleasure to ride her in that moment knowing she was relaxed, confident, and ok with me being up on her back, doing what we were doing. Then as we approached the corner, I relaxed, sunk into my saddle, and without picking up the reins asked for a stop. She listened, and planted her butt into a very nice smooth stop and then backed up, just as we had been practicing. There we stopped to end on a great note for the day. I was so proud of her....totally made my day. Actually, my week.

Saturday found us preparing to head out of town overnight. I ran by the barn mid-morning to check on Bailey once more. Unfortunately, I found her a little swollen in both rear fetlocks. The barn manager and I agreed that she probably slipped in the arena sand while being silly during turnout since neither of us saw her do anything specific to bring this on. We are keeping an eye on her and as of Sunday night, she seemed fine. I am heading out right now to see her. Hope all is well.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

National Lampoon's Day at the Barn

Yesterday was quite a day. Let me start by mentioning that Bailey and I are still galavanting. This time not in Texas. Yep, we have jumped ship again to visit the husband. So, while we are visiting, Bailey and I are....eh...enjoying our first experience with boarding. The place I found, by sheer miracle, is great and I drove by another option I had and am so glad to have diligently kept searching! The owners and manager are awesome; it is super clean, neat, and modern. They have two arenas, one indoor and one outside. Bailey has a lovely stall that opens to a large run. She has found a new friend in the mare next door to her and they are turned out together for a good part of the day. She seems pretty content. I am going out to visit her at least once or twice a day. Hearing semi-horror stories about boarding (strangles epidemic, cribbing, weaving, and the list goes on), I want to make sure Bailey was staying active and healthy. I can't exactly trailer her back across the country if she is sick and I will be the unhappiest girl you ever met if she starts any nasty habits.

Things were going quite well the first few days. I gave her a couple days to settle in before I started asking much of her. Monday was great. She was a little distracted by her new best friend whinnying to her from across the farm, but we easily worked through it on the ground and ended up having a nice ride. Then came Tuesday.

Not only did Bailey come into heat...joy!, but she was even more attached to her mare friend AND the geldings in the "geriatric" pasture. One is a little, older, gray pony who just loves Bailey...he is kinda cute. Kinda. I finally got her to stand still for saddling (I don't tie her at this point because I want her to learn to stand still, wherever we are, ground tie and be saddled). This only took about 10 minutes of going back and forth between saddling and ground work. Things seemed to be coming together; I swung my leg over and sat in the saddle and began to slide my hand down the left rein when I heard it. A loud buzzing sound moving closer to me. I looked up and saw a massive swarm of bees coming straight for us. I had nowhere to go, no time to get back to the arena gate and get outta dodge. So, I hopped off and ducked down still holding the reins and managed to find a corner in the arena that allowed us to move around to the side and then behind the bees as they passed. All I could think of was...great!, I am here by myself, no epi-pen in sight, and I hope they aren't "killer" bees. Well, they weren't and we made it through just fine. Bailey didn't even mind them in the slightest.

I re-mounted and the first ten minutes went well. Then the other mare started in with the whinnying again and Bailey quit thinking about me. I finally decided to get off. She was calm, but just completely distracted. We did some more ground work until she came back to me mentally. I elected to call it a day and give her a break. After all, she is only 3 and I know she will have days when she acts like it. This was one of those days.

I then got the brilliant idea to bathe her. I hadn't had the opportunity to really give her a proper bath and "pretty her up" since last summer. The barn has a nice enough wash rack, but it has cross-ties that have the horse facing out to the barn aisle. I knew Bailey had never been cross-tied and I would have to introduce it and check her out before I went ahead with the bath. I truly feel that Bailey is so calm and well-behaved, in great part to how I have worked to prepare her for everything ahead of time. "Prior and proper preparation"...and all that.

She was a-ok with the cross ties and the wash room until her mare pal started in again. Then she stopped paying attention to where she was, swung her butt around and into the side wall of the room knocking off a pitchfork and a shovel, which only moderately spooked her. Note to self: when I build a barn I will remember to never store barn tools inside the wash rack. I am usually much more attentive to her surroundings than that, but then again, I am not perfect. Still not feeling 100% comfortable with the cross-tying thing, since this was her first experience, I just held the lead rope and bathed her. She eventually quit worrying about the mare and tool rack so much and stood ground tied while I finished up her bath. Whew! I groomed her up, spritzed her with fly spray and let her stand tied outside while she dried a bit.

I am excited to say that after this week, the other mare should be gone and barring any other distractions aside from her 3 year old mare antics, Bailey and I should begin having a few more positive sessions. I am loving this opportunity to spend quality time with her every day and expose her to new places and things. I firmly believe that such experiences are invaluable to a young horse, creating a confident, less fractious equine partner. With that said, even though our day was a bit out of the norm, I still count it as successful because we experienced new things, learned from them, and came out on the other side a little better.

Bailey and her new pal


Enjoying her afternoon hay

This is the spot she chose for doing her "business"...I could not quit laughing!

Then after business was done, she decided to show everyone how she could cross the bridge solo. I think we might have a trail class winner on our hands.

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PS. Its Livermore Ranch

In case you were curious about this West Texas oasis I love to frequent, you can visit the ranch's website HERE. They do all kinds of awesome stuff out there throughout the year including horsemanship clinics, weekend get-a-ways, and more. Check it out.

View of the high desert and mountains to the west.

Me and the husband enjoying sunset near "Skull Rock" on the ranch many moons ago.

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