With the weather being so beautiful as of late, I decided (yesterday) to take Scout and Bailey with me over to my parents' for a couple of days. Bailey has only ever been in a trailer 4 times prior to this, so I figured it would be a great time to further her "education". Before departing, she refused to be led into the trailer with the halter, so as I had in the past, I backed the trailer up to her corral and shooed her in with no problem. She and Scout spent the night in the large corral at Mom and Dad's and were pretty comfy with lots of hay. This morning, however, I decided that Bailey had spent ample time greeting the other 3 horses over the fence and it was time to turn her out with Scout onto my parents' 25 acres. I was a little worried about Ranger running her around, as he usually does with all "new" horses to assert his dominance, but he actually just followed her at a distance. I was impressed. Bailey seemed to enjoy the extra company and she fit right in with all of her big brothers. It was too cute...all of them hanging out together. Although, wherever Scout went, she wasn't far behind.
The best thing of all happened as I was preparing Scout and Bailey for the trip back to Del Rio today. I had already loaded Scout in the trailer and it was Bailey's turn. I decided to try with the halter (not shooing) again. I stood next to the trailer and pointed her in, then gave a little encouragement with the end of lead rope behind her and this time, she exceeded all my expectations by hopping right in like a big girl! I couldn't believe it!! Another proud moment to relish.
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