Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Fever

Hooray!  The t-posts are up and the H-braces are welded and set in concrete!  All we have left to do is paint the pipe and stretch the wire, which will hopefully be done by the end of the week.  Then little Bailey can run and play and I will be able to see her out the kitchen window!  The front of the house is perfect for her with lots of shade and grass.  Sure is feeling like spring around here.

As spring grows closer by the day, Bailey becomes more frisky by the day!  As I mentioned before, she can think quite highly of herself at times and she just wants so badly to PLAY!!  David and I snapped some photos of her today, one with me next to her so you can see how she has grown since day 1.  I think she is going through a growing spurt as her legs seem REALLY long and gangly, particularly in the past week or so.  She might end up being taller than the 15 hands we were originally thinking.  I also managed to catch some video of her during one of her "I don't want to be caught, but I do WANT TO PLAY!" romps.  Finally, I had the camera with me!!  She really has beautiful movement and at the trot she almost seems to float.  Ooooo, I can't wait!!

What you can't hear is Bailey squealing at me whenever she takes off or kicks out or bucks!  It was too hilarious.  The guys working on the fence probably think I am crazy the way I was laughing at her.  You had to be there. :)

1 comment:

lala00 said...

Lindy, I LOVE the blog! It's going to be so much fun watching your baby grow. Can't wait to see more pictures.