Thursday, March 12, 2009

Last Cold Blast and Praise God for the RAIN!!!!

Yes!!!  We FINALLY got some G-O-O-D rain ahead of the recent cold front.  The last real rain we had was the last week of August 2008.  To say we have been in a drought is truly an overwhelming understatement.  We woke up Tuesday night to wind, thunder, lightning, and torrential downpour.  Luckily, we had some forewarning and the horses had been put up for the night with lots of hay to munch on.  I did wonder what Bailey would think, since she has only been rained on twice since she's been here.  Well, with all the cold air and the rain, the horses were feeling mighty frisky Wednesday morning...actually, all day.  Every time I looked out the front or back of the house I could see them playing with each other, rearing, biting, kicking, was quite entertaining.  I could hear them constantly running from the back to the front to the back...again and again and again!  When I went out to feed them they were at the far corner of the back of the neighbor's property and I only had to whistle once for them to come GALLOPING!  They were having a blast!  I managed to capture some photos and a video of them.  The only front field is now a mud pit.  Though, since it was a dirt pit prior to the rain, the mud was fully expected.  Hope you all have gotten some much needed rain as well and that you are staying warm!   Enjoy the photos and video!

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