Monday, May 19, 2008

Bailey and Other Stuff...

I have really been noticing over the past few days just how much Bailey has changed and how BIG she is getting.  Sometimes, that BIG has nothing to do with her size but instead it refers to, "she is getting too BIG for her britches"!!  She is now pastured with our buckskin, Ranger, who is really teaching her some horsey manners.  He is definitely the alpha around here!  However, she IS cute as ever and even more gorgeous the more her winter coat slicks off.  I have attached some photos of her from DAY 1 and from this week, so everyone can see just how different she is now.  Also, the last thing on this post is completely unrelated to a way.  David, Dad, and I have been seriously talking about selling our black gelding, Blackjack.  And we had pretty much decided to because SOME people think I have too many horses.  HMMM?!?  It is just so hard for me to work with all the horses with them scattered over two counties, 35 miles apart...however, after today's photo/riding session with Blackjack, that decision is officially null and void!!  He was fabulous!!!  So fabulous, that he was offering up flying lead changes like his feet were on fire!!!  Be sure to check it out!!

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